16 June 2011



In a perfect world, people would tell the truth and those to whom the truth was told would be able to handle it.

In a perfect world, you succeed when you work for what you want and you fail when you don't.

In a perfect world, you can fall out of love just as easily as you fell in love. It will hurt the other person, but he or she will simply accept that was not "THE" right person for him or her & move on with his or her life.

In a perfect world, you're allowed to change your mind. You can believe one thing today, learn something new that changes your view, and then act out on that new course without being called indecisive at best, or a liar at worst.

In a perfect world, everyone would get along, and even if there was someone with whom you couldn't get along, you'd agree to stay out of one another's way.

In a perfect world, a partnership is just that. everyone puts in his or her fair share and they are rewarded accordingly. If you each put in 50% of the work, you each get back 50% of the return.

In a perfect world, the government is simply a tool built by & used for the benefit of the society. Position would equal one's level of duty and responsibility, not power and prestige.

In a perfect world, you win because you earned the privilege, not simply because you participated. You go in, do you your best, and the results speak for themselves. As well prepared as you may be, your opponent may be better prepared. As hungry as you are, today your opponent might have been just that much hungrier. Consequently ...

In a perfect world, if you lose you don't blame anyone other than the face you see in the mirror. You take accountability for your flaws and strive to improve them next time.

In a perfect world, people don't crucify one another for their mistakes because everyone knows they are not perfect themselves. People don't laugh or ridicule you when you fall because they know that they have either fallen themselves or will someday fall themselves.

In a perfect world, people do the right thing because it's the right thing to do. They don't look for a reward because they know that the good they did will returned in due season.

In a perfect world, there would be no need for laws because everyone would know not to do anything that would be harmful to themselves or others.

These are just a few examples of what a perfect world would be for me. The problem I have is that when people say "In a perfect world," they say something they want but will not work to achieve. Therefore, not only does perfection become elusive, but improvement fails to even have a chance.

So when I look sad and feel out of place, you now know it's because I am not where I want to be, can't get there by myself, and I don't have enough people willing to help me get there. I don't have enough people willing to help me get there because it will take ALL of us to get there & just one unwilling person makes the task impossible.

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