Do you know who this beautiful woman is?
Well, if you watched this season of "Celebrity Apprentice" you should recognize her. Also, if you watch the game show "Deal or No Deal," she's the model who opens briefcase #1.
Additionally, she is currently one of the co-hosts on the Jamie Foxx Sirius/XM Satellite talk radio show "The Foxxhole" & has her own show ("the Claudia Jordan Show") on the same network.
Speaking of "network," if you'll remember many of my posts from the beginning of the year, I stressed the importance of networking, and committed myself to doing more of it. Well, earlier this year I met Claudia via Facebook and we became pretty cool. For the past couple of months I have been a frequent & welcomed caller on the Claudia Jordan Show.
One time after giving my commentary she said,
"I love it when H. Reed calls in! He always has something good to say! He really raises the quality of this show!"
Below are links to a couple of the shows I have spoken on:
Topic: "Mixed Signals"
http://www.zshare.net/audio/575129147bd14d78/(I'm on 20 min. / 17 sec. into the show)
Topic: "When Your Ex Moves to the Next"
(I'm on 14 min. / 23 sec. into the show. This was the show where she acknowledged having my book & extended an invitation to her show in L.A.)
I'm just waiting for the release of
"Find A Way," afterwhich, I definitely plan to take Claudia up on that invitation and make an appearance on her show!
This is not luck, my friends.
No, these are things that are happening for me because I am taking action; because I am doing the things necessary to insure the success I want to achieve. What kind of success do
YOU want to achieve? More important ...
what are YOU doing to achieve it?Whether you succeed or fail in life, there is only
ONE PERSON responsible for your outcome ...
Remember ... Fortune Favors the Brave!
(The Claudia Jordan Show airs every Monday night @ 7pm on the West Coast/10pm on the East Coast & replays on Tuesdays @ 7am on the West Coast/10am on the East Coast - Sirius Ch. 106/XM Ch. 149)