07 February 2009

Some Healthy Venting

Don't get it twisted. Becoming & being a motivational person means you must first embrace its opposite and then grow away from it. This ain't a fingersnap - it's a process!

People seem to have this HUGE misconception that by being a person who promotes positive thinking & the channeling & converting of said thinking into positive action in order to produce positive results, you aren't entitled to have negative feelings.

It's very much like how society views its celebrities in that because they live their lives a certain way, they are no longer entitled to enjoy or indulge in something more simple. For example, although many celebrities can afford to eat anywhere on the planet, why is it such a big deal if you catch one eating at Fuddrucker's or Burger King?

Granted, I am a motivational speaker - following in the paths of Les Brown, Zig Ziglar & Tony Robbins to name a few. However, as powerfully motivating and inspirational as these men are, to think that there aren't times when things happen that striaght PISS them off is sheer lunacy.

If I'm pissed, I'm pissed. I face whatever it is that has gotten under my skin; and through enduring it, I work my way through it back to finding a positive outcome - or just putting the matter behind me. But don't think for one minute that because of a person's status that he or she is not just as equally entitled to the same primal feelings you have.

For me ... this is one of my methods of working through my negative feelings - at least those that I can share.

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