I have been a long-time user of "the Secret," or "the Law of Attraction" for years, and even began building my business on it's base principles. What's funny is, it was not until I learned of the move "The Secret," that I found a name for it. "The Law of Attraction" is a very powerful concept; however, I fear that it - like many things that the masses eventually catch onto - is soon on the verge of being either watered down from its true significance, bastardized in the same way people find something catchy, and try to make 20 million weak copies of their own version of the original, or both.
You see, we happen to live in a microwave culture of instant gratification where people want what they want NOW, but don't want to put in the work necessary to earn what it is they want. We live in a culture where 100 some-odd kids show up at a school sporting event, and EVERYONE gets a trophy or medal just for showing up, regarding whoever was the best at the event. People expect to get an A+ on projects that they only gave Cliff Notes effort for. These are the people who stand to weaken what the true meaning of "the Law of Attraction" is all about.
I read another blog that described the following in terms of how "the Law of Attraction" is used:
"How to use the Secret:
- ASK: the universe for what you want
- BELIEVE: act, speak and think as if you have already received it
- RECEIVE: feel the way you will feel when you receive it"
It is NOT this easy to use the Law of Attraction!
There is a KEY ingredient missing in the above caption between "Believe" & "Receive," and that ingredient is WORK. You must put in work to get what it is you want, and as long as people either forget or ignore that key ingredient they will not achieve the things they want in life. People can sit and want all they want, but rewards come to those who go after them. Remember ... there is scripture that tells us "Faith without works is dead."
The "HRJR philosophy" was birthed from "the Law of Attraction;" however, whereas people wish to believe that wanting, believing and wishing is all that it takes to get the things you want in life, I really would like to see what a person has to show for him- or herself if they just sit in a room; start from and with nothing; and do nothing for an entire year, but believe that friends and wealth will miraculously find their way to him or her. One year later ... that person will be alone and broke.
It just does NOT work that way. You can "ASK" the universe (or God - or who/whatever you deem your higher power to be) for the things you want. You can even "BELEIVE" that it will be yours ... in fact YOU SHOULD BELIEVE IT WILL BE YOURS! However, you must understand that you WILL be tested to prove your worthiness before you "RECEIVE" the things you want.
True champions and successful people don't just "become" such. They put in work. They reach their limits and then go beyond them ... and sometimes it's a painful process.
Look at what Jesus had to do in order to reach HIS level of success.
"The Law of Attraction" works ... but only if you work it!
You see, we happen to live in a microwave culture of instant gratification where people want what they want NOW, but don't want to put in the work necessary to earn what it is they want. We live in a culture where 100 some-odd kids show up at a school sporting event, and EVERYONE gets a trophy or medal just for showing up, regarding whoever was the best at the event. People expect to get an A+ on projects that they only gave Cliff Notes effort for. These are the people who stand to weaken what the true meaning of "the Law of Attraction" is all about.
I read another blog that described the following in terms of how "the Law of Attraction" is used:
"How to use the Secret:
- ASK: the universe for what you want
- BELIEVE: act, speak and think as if you have already received it
- RECEIVE: feel the way you will feel when you receive it"
It is NOT this easy to use the Law of Attraction!
There is a KEY ingredient missing in the above caption between "Believe" & "Receive," and that ingredient is WORK. You must put in work to get what it is you want, and as long as people either forget or ignore that key ingredient they will not achieve the things they want in life. People can sit and want all they want, but rewards come to those who go after them. Remember ... there is scripture that tells us "Faith without works is dead."
The "HRJR philosophy" was birthed from "the Law of Attraction;" however, whereas people wish to believe that wanting, believing and wishing is all that it takes to get the things you want in life, I really would like to see what a person has to show for him- or herself if they just sit in a room; start from and with nothing; and do nothing for an entire year, but believe that friends and wealth will miraculously find their way to him or her. One year later ... that person will be alone and broke.
It just does NOT work that way. You can "ASK" the universe (or God - or who/whatever you deem your higher power to be) for the things you want. You can even "BELEIVE" that it will be yours ... in fact YOU SHOULD BELIEVE IT WILL BE YOURS! However, you must understand that you WILL be tested to prove your worthiness before you "RECEIVE" the things you want.
True champions and successful people don't just "become" such. They put in work. They reach their limits and then go beyond them ... and sometimes it's a painful process.
Look at what Jesus had to do in order to reach HIS level of success.
"The Law of Attraction" works ... but only if you work it!