Personally, 2008 was a horrible year for me. Money was tight. I had problems with my job. I had problems with my mortgage company, and several times throughout the year my wife and I were not getting along (nothing threatening to the marriage, but there were times when there was just a lot of silence in the house). No matter what, the one thing I kept in my mind was that the year had to come to an end, and with that in there was a brighter day.
At the start of 2009, I created an acronym: R.A.C.N. "R" stands for Responsibility. "A" stands for Accountability. "C" stands for Commitment, and "N" stands for Networking. I placed the word "aggressive" in front of it, and that became a model for the year. I was aggressive in taking responsibility for my life. I was aggressive and being accountable for my failings and setbacks. I was aggressively committed to improving my life, and I approached networking very aggressively. As a result my business improved, my income improve, my marriage improved, I was able to meet a lot of new people, and even travel around the country.
That acronym got me through the entire year of 2009. Certainly it will continue to benefit me as a move forward on my journey; however, in order to get new results we have to try new tactics.
Therefore, for the year 2010 on creating a new acronym: G.R.I.N.D., which stands for "Generate Real Income - Not Debt.” One thing I've noticed is that all year long I always talked about "being on the grind" will now more so than ever moving forward toward grind will have an entirely new meaning. Additionally, this acronym sums up my goals for the year 2010.

Stuart Wilde, author of the book "The Trick to Money is Having Some!" wrote "If one asks, ‘Do you sincerely want to be rich?’ Most people answer, ‘Yes,’ but not many of those answering in the affirmative lax with me. They can imagine well in a lush lifestyle, but they don't really believe they can have it, or they don't believe they are worthy, or they are happy for those fantasies to rest solely in the mind do not actually have the force of intention to go out and get what they want.”
One reason why most people won't achieve financial success is because most people are afraid of putting in the work necessary to succeed financially. One of the most enlightening things I'm learning on my journey is that there is enough of an abundance of wealth for everyone, however, not everyone goes after the share that the universe has allotted for them. As a result this creates even more of a surplus of wealth in the world.
Some people are satisfied with just settling for a little bit of comfort. However, I submit to you that sleeping on the ground is more comfortable than sleeping under the ground; sleeping on a cot more comfortable than sleeping on the ground, and sleeping in the bed is more comfortable than sleeping on a cot. So as you can see, the concept of comfort to subjective to whatever standards the person deems appropriate for him or herself.
Ultimately you have to do what's comfortable for you.
Me... going into 2010...
Ultimately you have to do what's comfortable for you.
Me... going into 2010...
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