So to answer all questions in detail ...In a word, I'm doing great!
When this whole thing first went down, I should have been in a coma. By that, I mean the normal & healthy range for our blood sugar is between 80 to 120 mg/dl (whatever that is When I tested myself at Taria's parent's house that night last month my blood sugar was at 518. I ate dinner, took a nap for about an hour and tested myself again when I woke up. My blood sugar was at 525, so we went to the hospital. When they tested me at the hospital my blood sugar was 580. I had the nursing staff perplexed because I was cracking jokes about them not letting me eat anything instead of being the diabetic coma that I obviously should have been in.

I'm at a point now where I'll check my blood sugar about twice a week. In fact, I tested myself today and it was at 121. I'm down 20lbs from where I was when this all started, but I was already dieting to lose that weight, so I'm NOT giving Diabetes the win for my weight loss!
For me ... I take care of myself. I take my insulin & a sugar pill twice a day. It's no different than you taking a multi-vitamin in the morning and before you go to bed. That's how I look at it. When I told people I had Diabetes, I got so much of what I call, "Positive-Pessimistic" support. I gave it that name because I know that everyone was coming from a good place, but there were things said to me that would have people thinking I told them I had AIDS, herpes or cancer! Diabetes for me was nothing more than God's way of telling me that I need to take even better care of this temple He stored my spirit in because He's got some serious plans for it!
I'll treat Diabetes like I've treated every other obstacle or opponent I've encountered ... I'll look it in the face, turn it around and kick it in the ass!
`Nuff Said!
You have a Happy New Year!
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