“Find a Way to Make a Way.” What does this mean? There comes a time in everyone’s life when after having to endure struggle after struggle and setback after setback, he or she reaches a moment of clarity and says, “I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired and I have had enough.” But just acknowledging you are dissatisfied about whatever your present situation may be does not make it better. It’s a start, because you are acknowledging that things need to change. Like an addict who cannot really find his or her way to sobriety until he or she admits within themselves that they are addicted, you cannot find your way to brighter days until you first admit that there is a dark cloud over your head.
I came up with the title for this book by just reflecting over my life after considering myself to be “in a happy place right now, that’s only getting better.” The reason for this is because I spent several years getting my mind right and then after reaping the benefits from that course of action, I found myself in a position where I was able to get my money right by taking responsibility for my past debts and educating myself towards handling what I have now so that I can have even more in the future.
I only wish to share some ideas with you. I only want to share what has worked for me with the hopes that it may work for you. I want for this book to be the match that lights the fire under your bottom to demand more … to demand more not from the world, your job, or the people around you, but to demand more from yourself. It is my hope that this book serves as a jump start to your soul, so that you can begin running towards achieving whatever you believe will make your life better. This book is mostly a testimony of my life’s journey’s past and present, as well as an extended hand inviting you to get on board and pay closer attention to your own life’s journey.
There are some things we can do and some things we can’t do. It’s easy to determine what we can’t do. All we have to do is say, “I can’t do it,” and abra-kadabra … you can’t do it. There are some things that we will do and some things that we won’t do. It’s easy to determine what we won’t do. All we have to say is “I won’t do it,” and abra-kadabra … like magic, you won’t. It’s just as easy – yet at the same time difficult to say what you can and will do. Talk is easy – and cheap; however, what makes it difficult is when you say you can, and when you say you will, you are making affirmations to yourself that – if you are a person of integrity – you have to commit and live up to. The words “commitment” and “integrity” will be repeated countless times throughout this book. Commitment means the act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action. Integrity means adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.
Throughout reading the book you see that in order for you to be able to successfully “Find a Way to Make a Way” to overcome the obstacles you will face on your journey, you will have to bind yourself to your course of action, and you will have to be honest and true to yourself and to those around you. When I tell you that you have to bind yourself to your course of action, it is not an absolute. There will come times when you will have to change your approach. What you are in fact binding yourself to is the act of doing something over doing nothing. Integrity comes into play because you have to be honest with yourself when something isn’t working, and whichever change in course you decide to take, you must honorable in those actions as well.
On every single page of “Find a Way to Make a Way,” it is easy to see that I believe there is greatness in everyone. I also believe that most people are either too afraid or too lazy to tap into that greatness, Those of us – yes, you too, who are willing to draw a line in the sand, and instead of daring the universe to cross it – jump across it ourselves are the ones who will live life with passion and excitement!
I hope you take a chance and invest in your greatness ... I'm willing to!
Available in print & Audiobook! To get a personally autographed copy from the author, send an e-mail to findaway@live.com.