This year, I have not made one single "resolution." This year, I'm setting goals. I'm setting weight loss & fitness goals, professional goals, personal goals, and family goals.
The reason why I'm making an issue of this is simple. I have observed that it's a part of human nature to just "go with the flow" and conform. We just got through celebrating the most expensive exercise in conformity a week ago (YES ... I am talking about Christmas). Every spends all year crying broke, but yet & still every December, the mall parking lots are all filled to capacity! So after Christmas, what do people do? They start talking about their "New Year's Resolutions" and what they're going to give up - smoking, over-eating ... whatever. Well, I'm not buying it ... I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!
The only way we're going to achieve our goals - or for those of you who wish to hold on to your "resolutions," is for us to be held accountable to them. You don't have to share your goals or resolutions with the world - in fact, I recommend you don't & I'll explain why in a second. Anyway, find yourself an "Accountability Partner" - someone in whom you can confide and will challenge you only so far as to help you stay on your course.
Now the reason why I say it's not necessarily good or wise to share your goals with the world (or maybe even on your Facebook page), is because not everyone is out to support you. Many people ... even people who deem close to you will use your goals to taunt you. When you hit those inevitable valleys, these will be the people who will talk you out of your goals and resolutions by saying things like "Well, you shoulda' known you was gonna break down and eat some McDonald's - HELL - I knew you were gonna do it!"
The reason why I'm making an issue of this is simple. I have observed that it's a part of human nature to just "go with the flow" and conform. We just got through celebrating the most expensive exercise in conformity a week ago (YES ... I am talking about Christmas). Every spends all year crying broke, but yet & still every December, the mall parking lots are all filled to capacity! So after Christmas, what do people do? They start talking about their "New Year's Resolutions" and what they're going to give up - smoking, over-eating ... whatever. Well, I'm not buying it ... I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!
The only way we're going to achieve our goals - or for those of you who wish to hold on to your "resolutions," is for us to be held accountable to them. You don't have to share your goals or resolutions with the world - in fact, I recommend you don't & I'll explain why in a second. Anyway, find yourself an "Accountability Partner" - someone in whom you can confide and will challenge you only so far as to help you stay on your course.
Now the reason why I say it's not necessarily good or wise to share your goals with the world (or maybe even on your Facebook page), is because not everyone is out to support you. Many people ... even people who deem close to you will use your goals to taunt you. When you hit those inevitable valleys, these will be the people who will talk you out of your goals and resolutions by saying things like "Well, you shoulda' known you was gonna break down and eat some McDonald's - HELL - I knew you were gonna do it!"
Look, the reason we make these resoultions is because we want to change our lives for the better. To do this is to be successful. If you really want to be successful in fulfilling your resolutions, then you most change your patterns. So ... like I have done, do away with your resolutions; set goals, and find yourselves an "Accountability Partner." Recognize that you're only conforming with the norm just waiting to full-fail those resolutions.
In 2011 ... Let's NOT Do it Again!
In 2011 ... Let's NOT Do it Again!
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