Just to give you a head's up on where things are with me, my book "FIND A WAY TO MAKE A WAY!" is scheduled for National release on September 8th. That means it will be available in most of your major bookstores like Borders, Waldenbooks & (the big mamma-jamma) Barnes & Noble.
In addition to being available in print, it will also be available as an audiobook in CD format as well as downloadable via i-Tunes. In early October I will be flying out to Los Angeles where I will be doing an interview on Jamie Foxx's "FOXXHOLE Radio" (Sirius-106/XM-149) and a booksigning at Barnes & Noble.
In promoting the "HRJR" brand, I had a few novelty items made for myself. Nothing more than some polo pull-overs, a couple of button down shirts, a couple of sweatshirts, and even a few t-shirts for my wife and son. What's funny was that in addition to the compliments I received for my "HRJR" paraphernalia, there have been inquiries as to if I was selling any.
WELL ... That time has now come.
I now have the following items available with the "HRJR" logo:
Golf & Polo Shirts, T-Shirts (for men, women & kids), Sweatshirts & Hoodies, Infant bodysuits ("One'sies"), Bibs, Bags, Banners, Baseball & Trucker Caps, Mousepads, BBQ Aprons, Clocks, Coffee Mugs, & Beer Mugs.
With that said ...
The "HRJR" brand represents excellence in all endeavors. From wearing a t-shirt to drinking a cup of coffee. When you wear or display the letters "HRJR," people will know you are on a mission!
The "HRJR shop" is NOW OPEN!!
(*A portion of the proceeds generated go to Autism Speaks)
This, my friends is BRANDING & business building IN ACTION. In order to produce your desired results, at some point in time; you have to stop talking about it, develop a plan and put it into motion.
For me right now it's about books, CDs, i-Tunes, clothing & knick-knacks. Soon to come ... Video seminars & workshops. In the not too distant future ... Do NOT be surprised if while flipping channels at 3am, you find me doing an infomercial!
For now ... I would just greatly appreciate your support. I'm not just asking for your dollars. I believe in providing a quality product/service in exchange for them.
Succeeding is not about waiting for opportunity to come knocking. Success comes when you find out where opportunity is hiding and you go bang on the door and tell him you've got the place surrounded (a lil' police humor)!
Again, to get any of the "HRJR" paraphernalia:
To get an autographed copy of my book, "FIND A WAY TO MAKE A WAY!" hit me up via e-mail at: findaway@live.com or just click below
Thanks for all of your support - Past, Present, & Future!
Remember ...
Remember ...
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