So what about when you meet THAT person; and you fall in love with THAT person, and you marry THAT person ... and within a few short years, THAT person gets on your last nerve by just waking up?
What happens when you go to the gym or Home Depot – wherever – and then you meet ANOTHER person who reminds you of NONE of the drama you have at home?
This is nothing more than the grass appearing greener on the other side. This is nothing more than having 80% of what you need at home but chasing after that 20% tail thinking it will make you complete – but if & when you get that 20%, you run the risk of losing that 80%.
No ... you don’t “meet” a soul-mate ... you BECOME a soul-mate after you and your man or woman have put in & dedicated years – no – decades ... of time, love, and sacrifice with one another.
Look at our grandparents ... those who have put in over 50 – 60 years with one another. Those are the definitions and examples of what soul-mates are and should be. Couples of today don’t have anything on what our grandparents had to go through, yet the divorce rate gets higher & higher every year.
Your soul-mate is that person who either lays your body to its final resting place, or waits for you to join them on the other side.
Anything less ... just ain’t it.
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