I became focused when I decided to become a motivational speaker. I became even more focused when I began writing what I was saying, then becoming an author.I self-published my first book, "FIND A WAY TO MAKE A WAY! You're Either Part of the Problem or You're Part of the Solution!" two years ago. I was able to sell enough books on my own to make my initial invetment back and buy a new personal stock of copies to sell ... Then I sold those copies and had a little bit of "extra change" in my pocket.
But see ... My speaking and my writing are not about making money - not now. No, right now I'm planting seeds and laying down the foundation. Right now, I'm getting my message out. Right now, I am walking the talk and living my life in such a way that proves my beliefs - especially the belief that you can succeed & have whatever you want as long as you put in the work for it & earn it!

THIS YEAR, I committed myself to stepping my game up. I have gone about putting myself out into the world to meet new people and have met SO MANY more people than I ever expected.
Even though the title of this post says "Follow ONE Course Until Successful," those who are truly successful realize that there will always be smaller twists and turns on the path to becoming successful.
Les Brown once said that achieving your goals is like an airplane taking off. You don't just go from the runway straight to cruising altitude. Before it reaches the smooth flying of its cruising altitude, it burns a great deal of fuel overcoming the turbulence that exists between the runway and that desired altitude. Even after having achieved cruising altitude, that plane doesn't fly in a straight line to its destination. The plane goes off course dozens of times before it locks into its coordinates for a smooth landing.
In life, as you strive to achieve your goals there will be all kinds of factors that will cause you to go off course. How many kids actually grow up and become what they said they wanted to be when they were five or six years old? In achieving your goals you have to be able to roll with the punches, overcome your obstacles, and maneuver through the misty fog of doubt.
When thinking of focus, think of this, if you take a flashlight and shine it at a wall, the beam hits it and spreads. If you take a laser pointer and point it at a wall, the beam hits and remains the same size of its lense. Although the source is the same - light - the difference behind what happens when the light hits the wall is ... focus. The flashlight lense is not as concentrated, or focused, as the laser pointer. If you apply more power to that beam and intensify its focus; it will go through that wall, the wall behind it, and depending on the level of power, endlessly onward.
If your focus is strong enough you can overcome any obstacle. Me ... I'm so focused I can see the future as though it were yesterday!
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