CONTACT: Harold S. Reed, Jr.
(05/18/11) On a rainy Wednesday, several entrepreneurs from the tri-state area converged upon Aviation High School in Long Island City, NY. to speak to an assembly of students about the realities and benefits of entrepreneurship. The event, called "Small Business Camp for Teens," was organized by Vera Borukhov - at teacher and an entrepreneur herself as the owner of Veracity Learning, a tutorial service which provides tutors to go to children's homes to provide them with scholastic assistance.
Amongst the panel of speakers were: Biana Bakman - social media marketing consultant; Rossmery Gomez - inspirational speaker; Jim Hernandez - youth empowerment speaker; Dana Humphrey - public relations consultant; Audra Fordin - auto mechanic/owner of a Great Bear Auto franchise; Keishorne S. Scott - youth empowerment speaker and founder of two community-based non profit orgainzations; Natalie Sulimani - tradmark attorney; and closing out the panel and presentation,
Harold S. Reed, Jr. - speaker, author and Certified Professional Life Coach.
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Reed spoke to the students about how he retired from his 11 year career in Law Enforcement to become a successful speaker, writer and life coach. The prevailing themes of his presentation were the differences between employees and entrepreneurs, the difference between earning money and "making" money, and the value of creating multiple streams of income.
Every speaker gave the students a variety of real-life examples of what it takes to become an entrepreneur. No speaker pulled any punches and answered every question the students had. The students were very attentive, constantly writing notes and taking videos with their cell phones and after the entire presentation the students were able to approach the speakers and ask even more questions.
Aviation High School, has a history which parallels the industry it serves. The school has grown from 3 teachers, 1 clerk and 100 (part-time) students in 1925, to its present program of 150 teachers, administrative staff, and over 2000 students. With the constantly expanding aviation transport, manufacturing, engineering and management segments of the industry, it is the school's mission to provide our nation, with our share of qualified trained young professionals necessary to control the present and influence the future of the Aerospace industry. Upon graduation, the students receive licenses in these fields of aviation. The school also has a vibrant U.S. Air Force Jr. ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Corps) program, and many students enter military service after graduation.