Hey Friends,
Many of you (if not ALL of you by now) know that my book ("FIND A WAY TO MAKE A WAY! You're Either Part of the Problem or You're Part of the Solution!") is being re-released by a publishing house this summer and will be on the shelves of the major book retailers - WaldenBooks, Borders, and Barnes & Noble to name a few.
Right now the book is in the re-editing stage. This means I get a second chance at tightening up some typos that slipped through the cracks with the frist release, but more importantly, I can make a few additions.
One that comes to mind is that I would like to include a Testimonial page. This page will consist of feedback from those of you who have read the book and really got something good out of it. In other words, YOUR SUBMISSION COULD POSSIBLY BE IN MY BOOK WHEN IT'S RE-RELEASED!
If you haven't read the book, you can still get a copy (it WILL be a collector's item once I'm sitting on Oprah's couch), or you can wait until the re-release.
For those of you willing to submit a testimonial, all you have to do is give me three or four sentences - or just one if you're shy. I will only use your first initial, last name & occupation (if you provide it).
I still have a LITTLE BIT of time before the editing process is completed, so the sooner you get your submission to me, the more likely a chance you have for it being included in the book.
If I use your submission & it's included in the book, once it's out you can get your AUTOGRAPHED copy at a 50% discount!
(Again ... you have to have already read the book!)
Please send your submission via e-mail to:
Hello Friends, and welcome to the Official Blog for HRJR Enterprises. This is definitely where you want to be if ever you want to take a moment and find some form motivation & inspiration.
24 January 2009
22 January 2009
What's New @ HRJR Enterprises
I wasn't joking around when I said that this
was going to be the break-out year!
We're going to be doing it BIG!
20 January 2009
1 Degree of Separation from the 1st African American POTUS
Hello Friends,
Today was a great day, and to quote our new 1st Lady, Michelle Obama, "For the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country." However, I'm not just proud of the great thing that has been accomplished today. I am also proud of a brother who was a high school classmate and is responsible for the safety of her husband, PRESIDENT BARACK H. OBAMA, the first African American President of the United States ("POTUS").
NOW ... I'm not worried.
An ESSEX MAN is watching POTUS' back!
An ESSEX MAN is watching POTUS' back!
(Out with the old ...)

(In with the NEW!)
He walked the entire parade route to the rear left of the presidential limo,
and to the President's rear left when he was on foot.
and to the President's rear left when he was on foot.

18 January 2009
Know When to Say When ... and Start All Over Again!

Okay ... I'm a glutton for punishment. I really do dig American Idol ... but check this out ... I only REALLY like the first couple of weeks of the show. I don't really care too much about the competition part when they get to Hollywood. I LOVE watching the people who just straight get rejected! Now I know that does not sound very motivational or inspirational, but just bear with me. I'm not going to lie ... It's a guilty pleasure to watch these people and laugh. But let's be real here ... the majority of these people are just looking for a hot moment to just say they were on the show.
Then there are those others ... the poor souls who sound good ... in their small churches, in their cars, in their showers, and in their minds. These are the people who stand before Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul, Simon Cowell (and now the new judge) and just pour their hearts out. Because the judges pull no punches, in the end their feelings are hurt as they face the harsh reality that they are not meant to be professional singers. I get a good laugh at them as well, but then I do take a second of pause and give them a silent applause. It takes a great deal of courage to expose yourself like that.
I truly believe that we can do, have, & be anything we want; however, there's a catch to it! You have to be willing to put in the work necessary to achieve your particular goal. On the flipside, being the realist that I am, I have to also share with you that just because you might want a particular thing, you are not automatically entitled to it. Sadly, you might even put a lot of effort into it, but just not quite make the cut. Once again, I know this isn't coming across as motivational or inspirational ... once again, I ask that you bear with me.
All of us were delivered upon this world with gifts. Our job while on this journey called life, is to live and learn; to find those gifts, and share them with the world. Unfortunately, many people are not in tune with what their true gifts are. There are many times when people are desperately holding onto things that God, the Universe, or whatever they deem their higher power to be are trying to keep them away from. The end result is confusion, and constant failure.
In life there are times when we are not doing the things that we are meant to be doing. These are the times when we encounter most of our setbacks. If you really want to succeed, you have to be true to yourself. You have to know when what you're doing just isn't working. I'm not saying give up after a few tries ... NO. You see, I also believe that when you take a stand before God, the Universe, or whatever you deem your higher power to be - and proclaim your desire for greatness, you are going to be tested. This "testing" will serve one of two purposes. You will either be proving yourself worthy of the greatness you claim to want, or you will be hit with example after example to show that what you're focusing on just might not be YOUR gift.
Either way, there is knowledge and wisdom to be gained on that journey. There is no shame in saying "I need to change gears." Like the old saying goes, "there's more than one way to skin a cat." There's more than one way to reach your goals. The most important thing, however, is that you be true to yourself. When you are honest with yourself, you don't have to worry about what anyone else says. When you're honest with yourself, you know when to say when ...
... and then start all over again.
Remember ...
Fortune Favors the Brave!
15 January 2009
The Impossible Made Possible!
This is a Norman Rockwell painting of Ruby Bridges ...

"On November 14, 1960, nearly 42 years ago, Bridges faced hostile crowds as the first black child to attend a previously all-white New Orleans school.
She was 6 years old and had only been told by her mother that she was going to be attending a new school that day and "had better behave." Little did she know that she would be bombarded with jeers and even death threats, and that she would end up being the sole child in her first grade class after other children were kept home by their parents."
All because Ruby was Black.
Forty-eight years later -- January 5, 2009 -- here is a picture of Sasha Obama, a little 7 year old Black girl, being escorted to school by her mother, First Lady-elect Michelle Obama, and the Secret Service because Sasha's daddy is now
President-elect of the United States, Barack Obama.
For those of us who thought we'd never
live to see what we are seeing ...
We have made the impossible possible!
09 January 2009
Another "Find A Way!" Testimonial
I am still ever so humbled when
I get feedback like the kind shared below.
A lot of people say that if they ever had the opportunity to change at least ONE person's life, then they have succeeded. By that standard, I am already a success a couple of hundred times over ...
and to think ...
I get feedback like the kind shared below.
A lot of people say that if they ever had the opportunity to change at least ONE person's life, then they have succeeded. By that standard, I am already a success a couple of hundred times over ...
and to think ...

Fellowman Reed,
I have to admit when I bought your book it was on the strength of the Shield (of our fraternity). I knew if you put out it would be thorough. Just because of the way you are and the way you carry yourself. Again, I have to admit I have never been much of a reader. I have bought several books over the years and may start a couple but never got to the point of finishing them.
This year I decided to try to get through at least one. That was Monday past. Ultimately, I decided that your book would be a good place to start. On Monday when I started I got through roughly 63 pages. So I then figured if I read 63 pages a day I should finish your book in 3.8 days. This evening at around 9pm I can say I finished your book and was truly inspired.
I read more and realized I am my biggest "BubbleBuster." I want to fininish at least 5 books this year at the very least. I think I will tackle "Rich Dad Poor Dad" next. Your words have inspired me to do better working on me so I can better those around me.
Fellowman G. Stewart
Groove Phi Groove
Social Fellowship Inc.®
Groove Phi Groove
Social Fellowship Inc.®

07 January 2009
It's So Much Better to Be On the Top Than on the Bottom ...

You may find yourself visiting the bottom every so often on your journey to the top, but with every visit ... your legs get stronger, you jump higher, and your visits become fewer and far between as you ascend.
What goes up must come down so the higher you get, the more humble you must become.
Rock On!
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